Relpol SA - reputable European manufacturer of relays

Relpol SA is a reputable European manufacturer of relays, active in the market since 1958. Products of Relpol S.A. are used in the areas of industrial and power-engineering, automation, power electronics, industrial and consumer electronics, telecommunication, household appliances, etc. Relpol is also a manufacturer of CZIP-PRO protection systems for medium voltage switchgear which are used for many years in Polish power engineering industry, including wind power plants.


The offer of Relpol S.A. includes the following products: Subminiature signal relays:

  • rated switching capacity: from 0,5 A to 3 A, coil voltage range: from 3 V to 48 VDC
  • Miniature relays rated switching capacity: from 5 A to 20 A
  • Industrial relays rated switching capacity: from 5 A to 48 A, mounting: to plug-in sockets on 35 mm rail mount acc. to PN-EN 60715 or on panel mounting, for PCB
  • Interface relays rated switching capacity: from 0,05 A to 16 A, number of contacts: from 1 to 4
  • Programmable relays versions: 8 inputs / 4 outputs, 16 inputs / 8 outputs, with LCD display, without display, supply voltages: 12, 24, 220 VDC, 230 VAC, programming: LAD, STL, LED indicators of the relay and input / output status
  • Time relays single- and multifunction time relays, wide range of time adjustments
  • Monitoring relays monitoring of current, voltage, temperature
  • Relays for railroad industry for rail-vehicles and railroad tractions, rated switching capacity: from 6 A to 16 A, number of contacts: from 1 to 4
  • Plug-in sockets for relays for PCB, for 35 mm rail mount acc. to PN-EN 60715 or on panel mounting
  • Installation contactors rated switching power: from 2,2 kW to 15 kW (at 400 VAC3)
  • Control lamps single-phase 130...260 VAC/DC (one LED), three-phase 3(N)~ 400/230 VAC (three LEDs)
  • Power supplies for automation systems, output circuit: 12, 24 VDC, rated currents: from 0,42 A to 20 A
  • Overvoltage arresters classes I, II and III, available with changeover signal contact
  • Solid state relays rated load currents: from 1 A to 100 A, switching at zero or at any time
  • Protection relays CZIP-PRO digital protection, automation, measurement, control and communication system for MV switchgears
  • Systems SMP radiation portal monitors

Relpol S.A.

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