ASTOR - your trusted automation and robotization partner

Our aim is to create the most productive and reliable solutions for companies to achieve excellence. "For 30 years we support our clients in increasing productivity and competitiveness, by supplying knowledge and modern technologies and supporting them on the road to Industry 4.0" - Stefan Życzkowski, Chairman and CEO, ASTOR.


We achieve this through:

  • proven configurations for automation, IT solutions and industrial robotics,
  • deep understanding across multiple industry segments,
  • systems that align with your needs and meet your return on investment requirements,
  • the skills and capability to help you drive change so that you can achieve your business objectives,
  • a willingness to share our experience and know-how,
  • a team that listens,
  • the ability to inspire new ideas.


We specialize in the following sectors: FMCG, furniture industry, automotive, education, heating industry, water and wastewater. We deliver modern solutions from renown suppliers: Wonderware, Kawasaki, EPSON, GE Automation & Controls, Horner APG, Satel.

We work together with the leading Polish technical institutions and technical universities. This is one of our priorities as we are convinced that the key to higher productivity in the long term depends on the education of engineers and the transfer of knowledge between science and industry.


"We are an established organization. In our operations we are guided by the principles of synergies and of building long-term relationships founded on mutual respect and trust. The result of our approach is that our clients and partners are happy with our services and gladly recommend ASTOR" - Jarosław Gracel, Board member, Marketing and Relations Director.

As part of the ASTOR Partner Program, integration companies with top experience and competences, those we trust the most, are recommended by us in the major automation/robotization projects we conduct with the renown Clients, e.g. ArcelorMittal, 3M, Cereal Partners Poland Torun-Pacific, BSH, Glaxo SmithKline, L’Oreal, LOTOS Asfalt.

"In relations with a Business Partner I most value qualities such as: honesty, integrity, flexibility regarding forms of cooperation and ease of contacts. I find them all in ASTOR. I am encouraged to cooperate with them by their skills, concern for the end customer, openness and reliability in business operations" - Marek Wyżykowski, Carboautomatyka S.A., ASTOR Golden Partner.


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